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Golem Coin: A Decentralized Marketplace for Computing Power

by Numismatist 2024. 3. 7.

Golem Coin: A Decentralized Marketplace for Computing Power

Golem Coin (GLM) is the native cryptocurrency of Golem Network, a decentralized platform that allows users to buy and sell computing power on a peer-to-peer network. Golem Network enables anyone to access and share various types of computing resources, such as CPU, GPU, RAM, disk space, and bandwidth, without relying on centralized providers or intermediaries. Golem Network also supports the development and deployment of decentralized applications (DApps) that require high-performance computing, such as rendering, machine learning, scientific computing, and gaming. Golem Network was launched on November 11, 2016, after a successful crowdfunding campaign that raised 820,000 ETH.

Coin Introduction and Features

Golem Coin has two types of tokens: GNT and GLM. GNT is the legacy token that was issued during the crowdfunding campaign, which can be migrated to GLM at a 1:1 ratio. GLM is the new token that is compatible with the ERC-20 standard and the ERC-777 standard, which enables advanced features such as batch transfers, operator approvals, and hooks. GLM is also compatible with the Layer 2 solutions, such as zkSync, that aim to improve the scalability and efficiency of the Ethereum network.

Some of the features that Golem Coin offers are:

  • Fast and low-cost transactions: Golem transactions are confirmed in about 15 seconds on average, and the transaction fees are very low compared to other cryptocurrencies. Users can also opt for the Layer 2 solutions, such as zkSync, that offer even faster and cheaper transactions.
  • Scalability: Golem can handle a high demand for computing power, as it uses a distributed hash table (DHT) to store and retrieve information on the network, and a gossip protocol to propagate messages and updates. Golem also allows users to create their own subnetworks, also known as trusted domains, that can have different rules and parameters for their specific use cases.
  • Security: Golem uses a reputation system and a verification mechanism to ensure the security and reliability of the network. The reputation system assigns a score to each node based on their past performance and behavior, which affects their chances of being selected for a task. The verification mechanism checks the validity and quality of the results produced by the nodes, which affects their rewards and penalties.
  • Governance: Golem is governed by the community, which can vote for the Golem DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization that funds and supports various projects and initiatives that benefit the Golem ecosystem and the community. The Golem DAO is funded by a portion of the fees collected from the network, which is currently set at 5% of the task price.

Market Analysis and Trends

Golem Coin is one of the most popular and well-established decentralized computing platforms on the market. It has a market capitalization of about $390 million as of March 7, 2024, making it the 114th largest cryptocurrency by market cap1. It has a circulating supply of 1 billion coins and a maximum supply of ∞ coins.

Golem Coin has experienced significant price fluctuations since its launch, reaching an all-time high of $1.32 on January 8, 2018, and an all-time low of $0.01 on March 13, 20201. As of March 7, 2024, the price of Golem Coin is $0.39, which represents a 0.96% decrease in the last 24 hours1.

Some of the factors that influence the price of Golem Coin are:

  • Demand and supply: The demand and supply of Golem Coin depend on the market sentiment, the adoption rate, the innovation, and the competition of the coin. As more users and developers adopt Golem Coin for its decentralized computing features, the demand and the price of the coin may increase. Conversely, if the market sentiment is negative, the adoption rate is low, the innovation is stagnant, or the competition is fierce, the demand and the price of the coin may decrease.
  • Task price: The task price is the amount of GLM that the requestors are willing to pay for a task, and the providers are willing to accept for a task. The task price affects the price of GLM, as it influences the demand and the supply of the coin. The task price is determined by the market forces of supply and demand, as well as the network parameters, such as the minimum and maximum price limits.
  • Regulatory and legal issues: Golem Coin faces some regulatory and legal challenges, as some governments and authorities may view its decentralized computing features as a threat to their oversight and control. Some countries, such as China and Russia, have banned or restricted the use of Golem Coin and other decentralized platforms, citing concerns over security, privacy, and compliance. This may limit the adoption and the growth of Golem Coin in some markets and regions.

Project Updates

Golem Coin is constantly being developed and improved by the Golem team and the community. Some of the recent updates and announcements for the Golem project are:

  • Golem Network migration: The Golem team completed the migration of the Golem Network from the legacy GNT token to the new GLM token on November 19, 2020. The migration allowed users to exchange their old GNT tokens for the new GLM tokens at a 1:1 ratio, using a simple and secure process. The migration also enabled the integration of the Layer 2 solutions, such as zkSync, that offer faster and cheaper transactions on the Ethereum network.
  • Golem Network Alpha 3 release: The Golem team released the Golem Network Alpha 3 on February 10, 2024, which introduced several improvements and features to the network, such as:
    • Adding support for GPU tasks, which allow users to run more complex and demanding tasks that require graphical processing units, such as rendering, gaming, and machine learning.
    • Improving the user interface and the user experience, which make it easier and more intuitive for users to create and manage tasks, monitor their progress and status, and view their earnings and expenses.
    • Enhancing the security and the reliability of the network, which include implementing a new encryption scheme, a new verification protocol, and a new reputation system.
  • Golem DAO: The Golem DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization that funds and supports various projects and initiatives that benefit the Golem ecosystem and the community. The Golem DAO is funded by a portion of the fees collected from the network, which is currently set at 5% of the task price. The Golem DAO allows users to propose and vote for projects that they want to see funded, such as:
    • Golem Grid: A grant of $50,000 was awarded to Golem Grid, a web-based platform that allows users to easily access and use the Golem Network without installing any software or running any node.
    • Golem Factory: A grant of $100,000 was awarded to Golem Factory, the core development team of Golem Network, which is responsible for maintaining and improving the network, the SDK, and the documentation.
    • Golem Academy: A grant of $20,000 was awarded to Golem Academy, a community-driven initiative that aims to provide education and training for Golem users and developers.

Analysis and Recommendations for Investments

Golem Coin is a promising cryptocurrency that offers a unique value proposition of a decentralized marketplace for computing power. It has a solid technical foundation, a dedicated team, and a supportive community. It also has a loyal and growing user base, as well as a potential market niche among users and developers who need high-performance computing for various purposes.

However, Golem Coin also faces some challenges and risks, such as regulatory uncertainty, market volatility, and competition from other decentralized computing platforms. It may also need to overcome some barriers to adoption, such as user education, usability, and integration.

Therefore, investing in Golem Coin may require a long-term perspective, a high risk tolerance, and a thorough research. Investors should also diversify their portfolio and only invest what they can afford to lose.

Outlook and Community Response

Golem Coin has a positive outlook for the future, as it continues to innovate and improve its technology and features. The Golem Network migration and the Golem Network Alpha 3 release are expected to bring significant benefits and enhancements to the Golem protocol and the user experience. The Golem team and the DAO are also working on various projects and initiatives to support the Golem ecosystem and the community.

The Golem community is also active and engaged, as it participates in various forums, social media platforms, and events. The community members share their opinions, feedback, and suggestions, as well as their support and enthusiasm for Golem. The community also contributes to the development and the promotion of Golem by creating and supporting various tools, applications, and resources.

Some of the examples of the community response to Golem are:

  • Golem Network subreddit: A subreddit where Golem users and enthusiasts can discuss and share news, updates, and ideas related to Golem.
  • Golem Network Discord: A Discord server where Golem users and developers can chat and interact with each other and the Golem team.
  • Golem Network Hackathon: A hackathon where Golem developers can showcase their skills and creativity by building and submitting DApps that use the Golem Network.