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Aragon Coin: A Blockchain-Based Solution for Organizational Governance

by Numismatist 2024. 3. 9.

Aragon Coin: A Blockchain-Based Solution for Organizational Governance

Organizational governance is the process of establishing and enforcing the rules and policies that guide the decisions and actions of an organization, such as a company, a non-profit, or a community. However, organizational governance also faces some challenges, such as high costs, intermediaries, bureaucracy, and corruption. In this post, we will introduce Aragon Coin, a cryptocurrency that enables a decentralized platform for creating and managing organizations that are transparent, efficient, and fair.









What is Aragon Coin and what are its main features?

Aragon Coin (ANT) is the native token of Aragon, an open-source platform that uses blockchain and smart contracts to create and operate decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) on the Ethereum network. Anyone with some ANT tokens and a good internet connection can join the platform as a member or a leader of a DAO. Members can participate in the governance of their DAOs by voting, proposing, and executing decisions. Leaders can create and customize their DAOs by choosing from various templates, modules, and settings.

Some of the main features of Aragon are:

  • Transparency: Aragon uses a technology called Aragon Court, which is a decentralized dispute resolution system that ensures the fairness and legitimacy of the DAOs and their decisions. Aragon Court also allows the members and leaders to see the details and history of their DAOs, such as the membership, voting, finance, and activity. This ensures the transparency and accountability of the platform and the DAOs.
  • Efficiency: Aragon uses a technology called Aragon Chain, which is a layer-2 scaling solution that enables fast and cheap transactions on the platform. Aragon Chain also allows the members and leaders to interact with their DAOs without any gas fees or network congestion. This improves the user experience and satisfaction.
  • Flexibility: Aragon offers a wide range of DAOs that cater to different purposes and preferences. The DAOs are designed with various features, functions, and rules, and are compatible with various protocols and applications. The DAOs are also adaptable and upgradeable, meaning that the members and leaders can modify and improve their DAOs according to their needs and goals.











How do you evaluate the trend of this coin based on recent market analysis?

According to CoinGecko1, ANT is currently ranked 180th among all cryptocurrencies by market capitalization, with a value of $8.72 USD and a 24-hour trading volume of $6,927,364 USD as of April 9, 2024. The coin has a circulating supply of 43,179,247 ANT and a total supply of 39,609,524 ANT.

ANT has experienced significant price fluctuations in the past year, reaching an all-time high of $13.76 USD on February 10, 2021, and an all-time low of $0.51 USD on March 13, 2020. The coin has shown a positive trend in the past month, increasing by 8.73% from $8.01 USD on March 9, 2024 to $8.72 USD on April 9, 2024.

Some of the factors that may have influenced the price of ANT are:

  • Demand and supply: The demand for ANT is driven by the members and leaders who use the platform and the DAOs. The supply of ANT is limited by the total and circulating amount of tokens, as well as the platform rules that govern the issuance and distribution of rewards. As the platform grows and attracts more members and leaders, the demand and supply of ANT may increase or decrease accordingly, affecting the price of the coin.
  • Market sentiment: The market sentiment is the overall attitude and emotion of the investors and traders towards a particular asset or market. The market sentiment can be influenced by various factors, such as news, events, trends, opinions, rumors, and social media. A positive market sentiment can boost the confidence and interest of the buyers, driving the price of the asset up. A negative market sentiment can discourage and scare off the sellers, driving the price of the asset down.
  • Competition and innovation: The competition and innovation in the cryptocurrency and organizational governance industries can also affect the price of ANT. Aragon faces competition from other decentralized governance platforms, such as DAOstack, Colony, and MolochDAO, as well as traditional governance platforms, such as legal, corporate, and political systems. Aragon also strives to innovate and improve its platform, by adding new DAOs, features, and partnerships, and by expanding its ecosystem and network. The competition and innovation can create opportunities and challenges for Aragon, influencing the demand and supply of ANT.











Are there any latest updates or announcements for this coin project?

Aragon is constantly working on developing and improving its platform, as well as engaging with its community and partners. Some of the latest updates and announcements for this coin project are:

  • Aragon Govern: On March 23, 2021, Aragon announced the launch of Aragon Govern, the new version of its platform that is more modular, scalable, and customizable. Aragon Govern allows the leaders to create and manage their DAOs with more flexibility and efficiency, by using a no-code interface, a modular core design, and a layer-2 solution.
  • Aragon Voice: On April 6, 2021, Aragon announced the launch of Aragon Voice, a decentralized voting platform that allows the members to participate in the governance of their DAOs with more transparency and security, by using a gasless and censorship-resistant system, a quadratic voting mechanism, and a proof-of-humanity verification.
  • Aragon Protocol: On April 8, 2021, Aragon announced the launch of Aragon Protocol, a decentralized protocol that powers the Aragon Court and other applications that require dispute resolution. Aragon Protocol aims to provide a universal and interoperable framework for creating and enforcing agreements on the blockchain, by using a game-theoretic incentive system, a subjective oracle network, and a governance token.











What can we conclude from our investment analysis of this coin?

Based on our investment analysis of this coin, we can conclude that ANT is a promising and potential cryptocurrency that offers a blockchain-based solution for organizational governance. ANT has several advantages over its competitors, such as:

  • Strong use case: ANT has a clear and compelling use case that addresses the pain points and needs of the organizational governance market, which is expected to grow exponentially in the coming years. ANT provides a decentralized, transparent, and flexible alternative to the centralized, opaque, and rigid governance platforms, offering better fairness, efficiency, and adaptability for the members and leaders.
  • Solid fundamentals: ANT has a robust and reliable platform that is based on blockchain and smart contracts. ANT has a large and diverse network of members and leaders that ensure the quality and variety of the DAOs. ANT also has a fair and transparent token economy that incentivizes the participation and cooperation of the platform actors.
  • Active development: ANT has a dedicated and experienced team of developers, researchers, and advisors who are constantly working on improving and innovating the platform. ANT also has a vibrant and supportive community of users, partners, and influencers who contribute to the growth and success of the project.

However, ANT also faces some challenges and risks, such as:

  • Regulation and compliance: ANT operates in a highly regulated and complex industry that involves legal, ethical, and social issues. ANT may encounter legal and regulatory hurdles or uncertainties in different jurisdictions, which may affect its operations and reputation. ANT may also have to comply with various standards and requirements from its users and partners, which may increase its costs and complexity.
  • Competition and adoption: ANT competes with other decentralized governance platforms, as well as traditional governance platforms, who may have more resources, market share, and brand recognition. ANT may face difficulties in attracting and retaining members and leaders, who may prefer other platforms or services that offer more features, convenience, or compatibility. ANT may also face challenges in educating and convincing the potential members and leaders about the benefits and value of its platform.

Therefore, we recommend ANT to investors who are looking for a long-term and high-reward investment opportunity, and who are willing to accept the high-risk and high-volatility nature of the cryptocurrency market. We advise investors to do their own research and due diligence before investing in ANT, and to diversify their portfolio and manage their risk accordingly.












What are the short-term and long-term prospects for this coin?

The short-term and long-term prospects for this coin depend on various factors, such as the market conditions, the project development, and the community response. Based on our analysis, we can make some predictions and expectations for ANT:

  • Short-term: In the short-term, we expect ANT to continue its positive trend, as the platform launches new DAOs, features, and partnerships, and as the members and leaders enjoy the benefits of the Aragon Govern and Aragon Voice platforms. We also expect ANT to gain more exposure and recognition, as the platform participates in various events, campaigns, and promotions, and as the community grows and engages more actively. However, we also anticipate some volatility and uncertainty, as the platform faces some competition and regulation challenges, and as the market sentiment fluctuates.